I literally took a leap of faith as I knew if I did not jump in and create my blog, I would never start one---ever!
However, my impetuous move did not yield the desired result:
I did not have many people viewing or following my blog. I naively believed that if I posted it, inevitably readers would come.
Uh, this didn't work for me.
And now I know why:
While my initial intentions were good, I was in blogging hell, and it was my own doing--but I didn't even know it!
Launching-in, without
- a clear focus,
- a definite target audience,
- and without researching blog sites had left me stranded.
I had no idea what I was doing!
Luckily for me, the cavalry arrived in the guise of Kim Crouch, my amazingly tech-savvy mentor, my English colleague, and an experienced, seasoned blogger.
When I sought her expertise on blogging, she gently pointed out several mistakes I unwittingly had made and I wish to pass them on to you since you may not have a Kim in your life who can help you.
Mistake # 1: Though your blog is about your interests and experiences, you need to direct it toward your audience and offer them a takeaway moment!
First, Kim explained that blogs have different purposes; readers come to a blog to experience a takeaway moment.
My blog lacked this crucial element.
I was so caught up in my own story, I wasn't offering anything more than a personal epiphany or lament.
Therefore, I had nothing tangible to give, so I had already lost my audience, who was my friend on FB.
Initially, he/she might read my first blog, but if he/she wasn't interested in the subject of writing, he/she surely wouldn't come back for more.
For my blog to succeed, the critical question became:
- Basically, what did I wish to share and with whom did I want to share it?
- Most important of all: What would a reader ultimately take away from his/her investment of time reading my blog?
Mistake # 2: You need a niche. What are you offering your readers? What is your area expertise?
The struggles I have encountered as a want-to-be-published author are so similar to the ones my students encounter as they work through a piece of writing in my E.L.A. or creative writing classes.
Throughout my twenty years in the classroom, I have offered the insights and tips I have garnered from my own experience, and I have helped a countless number of students become confident, creative writers.
- What informational insights will you offer on your blog?
- Which demographic will gain from your insights on your blog?
Unfortunately, I still didn't have a great platform on which to present my message.
Mistake #3: Do your research on which is the best Blog Hosting Site for your purposes!
I initially chose WordPress.comYet, I should have done more investigating as WordPress.com and WordPress.org are two separate entities.
I chose WordPress.com because it appeared to be easy to set up and navigate.
Yet, it also proved to be extremely limiting with regard to themes, widgets, and plug-ins and what I was able to do with them based on the plan I had purchased.
WordPress.com was fine if you are writing for your own personal enjoyment.
However, if you want to attract readers and subscribers, you need to upgrade from a personal plan such as WordPress.org
Therefore, I found Blogger ,and I found so many downloadable templates for my new blog, it was hard for me to decide which one I wanted!
Best of all, when I visited the site, I happily found that there was a ton for FREE!
FYI: Free templates are great, but you might want to invest money and buy your template to set yourself apart.
Check out Georgia Lou Studios
There are so many to chose from depending on the look and functionality you are looking for with regard to your blog site.
I bought a beautiful template for a nominal fee, and for $125.00 dollars, I hired a designer to put it all together for me. It was the best money I ever spent. Check them out!
So, here are few helpful hints to help you get started on your blogging journey!
A. If you are a newbie or you want to revamp your blog, check out Create and Go on Pinterest,
There are so many practical tips, so click below on the title, and check it out: Simply, click on the link and take the quiz from Create and Go:
What Kind of Blog Should I Start?Here's another great resource:
Create and Go-Start a Blog-Make Money Blogging
B. Additionallly, Mary Jaksch's site, WritetoDone.com is jock-full of helpful writing hints. I urge you, too, to click on each of the articles below and gain some helpful insights you may not know about blogging:
The articles referenced above, and many more, appear on a great website,
As Mary Jaksch, the editor and chief, writes on her About page, "Whether you write non-fiction, novels, blog posts, or sales pages - you will find inspiration and tips here at Write to Done." Visit soon!
C. As easy as it sounds on the Internet, you may need help setting up your blogging template or your website. Again, check out Georgia Lou Studios, but the following link will definitely help you to get started:
How to Create a Blog in 2018 (Step-by-Step Guide)
D. Finally, click on Kim Crouch's blog title, English Oh, My! Also, click on this link to visit her store English, Oh My! on Teachers Pay Teachers.com. She has so many creative products you will love to use in your classroom.
So, readers, these are the first of many suggestions I will have for you, and I hope I helped you today.
Please share this blog or leave me a comment if the tips were useful to you.
I hope you'll come back and visit with me again very soon!
My best to you,